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Make sure you follow these skincare tips for goodness

24 MOST USEFUL SKIN CARE TIPS TO BE FOLLOWED...... •Never go to bed with make up or without washing face. •Always try to drink a lot of water, and also include drinking green tea daily and stay hydrated the whole day. •Always have a deep look on your skincare products ,avoid harsh chemicals. •Do skincare in an effective way, use less amount of products in purpose . •Include face masks once or twice in a week . •Must avoid junk foods. •Change your pillow covers once in 3 -4 days   Use a silk pillow cover if possible. •Use  an antioxidant serum at night, anti aging like serums. •Exfoliate(scrub) at 1 to 2 times in a week. If you are in your 20s use 2times/week Likewise in 30s use 3times/week. •Workout daily minimum 15 mins include squatting. •8 hrs of sleep for better skin and better health, also sleep early as possible. •Always take a shower at least once or twice a day . •Use ice cubes to tighten your face,to treat fine lines, reduce redness,...

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